Greetings, readers! Now that Amazon has disabled its popular ebook lending feature, we're more committed than ever to helping you find the best ways to borrow FREE or save big on the Kindle books that you want to read. Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime Reading offer members free reading access to over 1 million titles, including Kindle books, magazines, and audiobooks. Beginning soon, each day in this space we will feature "Today's FREEbies and Top Deals for Our Favorite Readers" to share top 5-star titles that are available for KU and Prime members to read FREE, plus a link to a 30-day FREE trial for Kindle Unlimited!


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Free BookGorilla Slide-Over Spots for Qualifying Lendle Promotions:

To qualify for the free BookGorilla slide-over promotion, titles must be:

  • Priced between $0.00 and $1.99
  • Offered, on the promotion date, at their best price of the past 30 days
  • Approved by both Lendle and BookGorilla as being a good fit for our readers
  • The same title that is featured in the Lendle sponsorship promotion
  • Limited to 1 day per sponsorship element
Your BookGorilla slide-over promotion will appear only once (for each sponsorship element), on the day of (or one of the days of) your Lendle promotion. Please be aware that BookGorilla tries to avoid promoting any title to subscribers more than once in any 14-day period, so your title’s eligibility for this free “slide-over” option may be limited by frequency.

Please note that we do not send out any confirmation for this free service. If you qualify with regard to the pricing and quality requirements above, you can rest assured that you will be included in BookGorilla on the date of your qualifying Lendle promotion.

To be eligible for your free BookGorilla slide-over promotion, click here to book a Lendle promotion.