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Sister North: A Novel - Jim Kokoris

Sister North: A Novel

Jim Kokoris
St. Martin's Press , English
31 ratings

Sam was an indifferent Chicago lawyer content to drift though life on his good looks and his wife's money, until a violent incident shatters his world. Newly addicted to watching Sister North, a nun with a popular TV show, Sam embarks on a trip to Lake Eagleton, Wisconsin to see the wise nun personally, seeking forgiveness and spiritual guidance. When he arrives, he discovers that he has been watching reruns-Sister North has vanished and all sorts of rumors abound. As he waits, wondering if the elusive nun will ever return, he unexpectedly, he falls in love with Meg, a reclusive waitress at the local restaurant. This was not the answer that he was searching for, yet, for the first time in his life, his feelings are genuine.Jim Kokoris, the author of the beloved novel The Rich Part of Life, sensitively and compassionately portrays a remarkable story of forgiveness and hope. Undeniably powerful, Sister North is a novel that takes a poignant and humorous look at what passes for faith and love in the twenty-first century.

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