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Having Everything - John L'Heureux

Having Everything

John L'Heureux
Grove Press , English
16 ratings

A Harvard Dean with a perfect life discovers a dark side he never knew he had—or wanted—in this “sharp, moving, poignant” novel (The Washington Post Book World).   Philip Tate is a man who has everything—youthful looks, a beautiful wife and loving family, and a distinguished deanship at Harvard. But a night-time drive will lead Philip to jeopardize everything in a moment’s flirtation with the forbidden.   For on that drive he will meet the Kizers: beautiful, troubled Dixie and brilliant, kinky Hal. And by stepping into the Kizers’ house and into the midst of their sad marriage, Philip sets in motion the near ruin—and perhaps the salvation—of his entire world . . .   In a “heavily ironic chronicle of professional success, inward misery, and middle-aged sexual guilt,” John L’ Heureux reminds us that sometimes—in both marriage and life—having everything is not enough (Publishers Weekly).