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Learn about Social Security and plan for your future with the help of this comprehensive and accessible guide to everything you need to know about Social Security.Understanding Social Security can be overwhelming at times and dense government websites don’t help. Fortunately, Social Security 101 can help with easy-to-understand explanations and lessons that keep you engaged as you learn all you need to know about the federal program that’s been around since the Great Depression. Social Security 101 will give you the most up-to-date information on this government program, such as:-Getting a Social Security card-Applying for benefits-Estimating your benefits-Disability benefits-Medicare-401(k) plans for young adultsUse this guide to plan for the future so that you’ll be comfortable in retirement. With the knowledge gained from this book, you’ll feel more secure in your future. Whether you want to learn about calculating your retirement age or estimating your projected payments, Social Security 101 has all the answers—even the ones you didn't know you were looking for.