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The heartwarming true story of a man, his rescue dog, and how they became the UK’s most beloved pair of pet detectives.In 2003, veteran police officer Colin Butcher left the force to open the UKPD—United Kingdom Pet Detectives—the only British agency specializes in finding missing pets. When Colin first met Molly the Cocker Spaniel, she was young and inexperienced. But sensing that she had the makings of a valuable partner, he brought Molly on.Trained by top canine experts at Medical Detection Dogs, Molly became skilled at find missing cats—those beloved pets who are uniquely skilled at eluding humans. But the work is not always easy. Molly has faced hardships ranging from a near-fatal snakebite to the challenge of winning over Colin’s girlfriend, Sarah.Through it all, Colin and Molly developed an enduring love and affection. More than a working relationship, Molly is part of the family. In Molly, Colin recounts their remarkable story.

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