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The Devil in the Valley: A Novel - Castle Freeman

The Devil in the Valley: A Novel

Castle Freeman
The Overlook Press , English
55 ratings

In this unusual twist on the Faust legend, a man makes a deal with a supernatural visitor, surrendering his soul to alleviate the suffering of others.   In his quiet home in rural Vermont, a man named Taft wonders what’s missing from his life. He’s at a loss until a strange voice startles him. A stranger has seemingly appeared out of nowhere: well-dressed and smooth-talking, this man offers Taft the chance to have anything he’s ever wanted―for a price. So begins The Devil in the Valley, the latest novel from critically acclaimed author Castle Freeman, Jr, a tale of temptation and greed that examines what we’re willing to trade to obtain the things we most desire. Exploring the supernatural while staying rooted deeply in our world, The Devil in the Valley is a powerful novel from a master at his craft.   “Castle Freeman, Jr. conjures an intricate tete-a-tete with the devil into a Vermont home-brew of brimstone and beneficence. Fast-paced, compulsive, The Devil in the Valley leaves you wanting more.” —Gregory Maguire, bestselling author of Wicked and After Alice   “Castle Freeman has somehow infused The Devil in the Valley with a mysterious energy that keeps a reader eagerly turning pages while desperately hoping the book will go on and on. This is fine and deeply enjoyable writing.” —David Huddle, author of The Faulkes Chronicle

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