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OVER 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD: The 50th anniversary edition of the classic manual for sustainable living—with 1,000+ pages covering basic country skills and wisdom for living off the land! Whether you’re homesteading, prepping, or living off-grid, keep your family healthy, safe, and self-sufficient—no matter what’s going on in the world. From homesteaders to urban farmers, and everyone in between, there is a desire for a simpler way of life: a healthier and self-sufficient natural lifestyle that allows you to survive and thrive—even in uncertain times. Carla Emery’s classic guide will teach you how to live off the grid, be prepared, and do it yourself.  • Can, dry, and preserve food • Plan your garden with a beginner's guide to gardening • Grow your own food • Make 20-minute cheese • Make your own natural skincare products • Bake bread • Cook on a wood stove • Learn beekeeping • Raise chickens, goats, and pigs • Create natural skincare products • Make organic bug spray • Treat your family with homemade natural remedies • Make fruit leather • Forage for wild food • Spin wool into yarn • Mill your own flour  • Tap a maple tree • And so much more! The Encyclopedia of Country Living has been guiding readers for more than 50 years, teaching you all the skills necessary for living independently off the land. Whether you live in the city, the country, or anywhere in between, this is the essential guide to living well and living simply.

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