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In this “sublime work of dark fiction” set during WWI, werewolves roam the trenches and the Catholic Inquisition continues its grim work in the shadows (Intravenous Magazine).   When a priest is brutally murdered in the French city of Arras, Poldek Tacit—a brutally efficient Inquisitor—arrives on the scene to investigate the crime. His mission: to protect the Church from those who would seek to destroy it, no matter what the cost. As Tacit strives in vain to investigate the murder, he must also uncover the reason why other Vatican servants seek to undermine him. Meanwhile, a beautiful and spirited woman, Sandrine Prideux, warns British Lt. Henry Frost of a mutual foe lurking beneath the killing fields—an enemy that wreaks its havoc by the light of the moon.   Faced with impossible odds and struggling with his own demons, Tacit must battle the forces of evil—and a church determined to achieve its aims at any costs—to root out a dark conspiracy that seeks to plunge the world into even deeper into conflict.