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Annalissa Pharaoh is more than just her last name, but she fails at proving that to be true with her lashing out every time she wraps her lips around a liquor bottle, or going as far as proving her abilities to those she knows for sure is so much weaker than she is. When her ex, Dossier, pushes her to her limits, the great David and Robyn Pharaoh have to call in reinforcement to help bring their 21-year-old daughter to her senses. With unlikely forces stepping in to lend a mighty, violent hand, across a few states over, The Northgate Gypsies wrestle with their own demons, literally. Young Peresh, the youngest of the clan of three children born to Kirko and Cinderella Northgate, not only has trouble sleeping, but he has trouble keeping Annalissa off his mind. Trouble brews dramatically back in New Orleans and the Pharaohs have no choice but to hope that Annalissa comes out of her lessons with a clearer head and a stronger fist instead of falling victim to heartbreak. With Dossier and Peresh competing in their own strange ways for the heart of the Voodoo Princess, things intensify, but the winner has more to claim than they think.

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