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Hannah Hickok is a brand new witch living in a brave new world. Casper Creek, a cosplay western town left to her by a grandmother she didn’t know, belongs to Hannah … and a few colorful characters (more affectionately referred to as workers) are part of the deal. Cooper Wyatt is head of security and the last thing he wants is a new face on his turf … until he meets Hannah and feels that instant sizzle. Unfortunately, the flirtation comes with a heaping side of trouble. Hannah didn’t know she was magical until she landed in Casper Creek but she’s determined to learn everything she can. Cooper didn’t know he was ready for a relationship until she waltzed into his world and stole his heart. Together, they’re going to fight monsters and their own emotions as they try building a life together. It will be an adventure – and romance – for the ages. This three-book omnibus includes: The Dirty Coven, A Fistful of Demons, and Boot Scootin’ Boogeyman.

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