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GET ALL FIVE BOOKS IN THIS EPIC MILITARY SCI-FI ADVENTURE BY MILLION-COPY+ BESTSELLER M.R. FORBES!The war is over. Earth is lost. Running is the only option.It may already be too late.Caleb is a former Marine Raider and commander of the Vultures, a search and rescue team that's spent the last two years pulling high-value targets out of alien-ravaged cities and shipping them off-world.When his new orders call for him to join forty-thousand survivors aboard the last starship out, he thinks his days of fighting are over. The Deliverance represents a fresh start and a chance to leave the war behind for good.Except the war won't be as easy to escape as he thought.And the colonists will need Caleb more than he ever imagined...INCLUDES:1. Deliverance2. Deception3. Desperation4. Destruction5. Declaration

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