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A 2023 CAROLYN READER'S CHOICE AWARD FINALISTAn abandoned bridegroom and a reluctant bride get a second chance at love in this humorous seaside tale!An abandoned bridegroomBell tuner Jory Tremayne has never been more certain of anything than his love for Miss Anna Pepper, despite her fancy dresses and insensible footwear. But when he offered his heart five years ago, she ran off with it and left him alone beneath a midnight moon. Now, he’s finally resolved to stop mourning her loss and find a lass who will take him and his fish-scented dog.A reluctant brideMiss Anna Pepper has left a trail of jilted suitors behind her, but she’s never forgotten Jory Tremayne. Shadowed by remorse, Anna flees her latest fiancé and returns to Cornwall where she hopes to learn Jory's fate and put her guilt to rest. There's just one tiny problem. In her hasty flight, she’s left behind a few things like clothing... a maid... Money. Anna soon finds herself working as a common barmaid to avoid arrest, while Jory becomes her reluctant champion.With each new challenge, Anna and Jory are forced to face their past. Will they overcome doubts and betrayal to trust love again?

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