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"The Boats of the Glen Carrig" – The ship "Glen Carrig" gets lost at sea when it strikes "a hidden rock" and several survivors escape the wreck in two lifeboats. But that is when their agony actually begins, as they become exposed to the Sargasso Sea, also known as "cemetery of the oceans". "The House on the Borderland" – On the third day of their fishing holiday to the remote Irish village, two friends stumble upon the ruins of a strangely shaped house on a large lake. They discover the mouldering journal of the Recluse, an unidentified man who recorded his last days in the house before its destruction. He started the diary to record the strange experiences and horrors occurring in and around the house. "The Ghost Pirates" – Jessop is the only survivor of the final voyage of the Mortzestus, rescued from drowning by the crew of the passing Sangier. He begins to recount how he came to be aboard the ill-fated Mortzestus, the rumors surrounding the vessel and the unusual events that rapidly increase in both frequency and severity. He describes his confusion and uncertainty about what he believes he has seen, at times fearing for his own sanity.

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