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Enjoy this collection of steamy and sweet holiday romance! Visit Snowflake Creek, an adorable small town in Minnesota where holiday spirit and romance are always in fashion. A must-read if you love cozy winter vibes, and heroes hotter than a cup of hot cocoa! ♥Book 1: You Can't Ruin ChristmasDumped and devastated, my holidays were turning into a total trainwreck...Luckily, my handsome, hockey player roommate steps in with a plan. He's going to volunteer his services as my personal trainer, so I can get a revenge body and make my ex regret leaving me. But during our long, sweaty sessions at the gym, I find myself becoming more and more attracted to Sven.His muscles are enough to make any girl swoon. He is sweet and caring with a panty-melting smile.Did I mention he's my ex's brother?Ignoring that, Sven might manage to save my Christmas from being an utter disaster, after all.Book 2: All I Want for Christmas EveSanta's Sleigh has crashed in Eve's backyard.To be clear, it's a plane named Santa's Sleigh.She saves Adam from the wreckage, and although he's injured, he's not too injured to make endless jokes about how they belong together. Adam and Eve jokes. Ugh.It would be so lame if he weren't so sexy. And if Eve didn't live in The Middle of Nowhere, Alaska, where the only men around are polar bears.Could Adam be Eve's Christmas present from Santa?Men don't usually fall from the sky, but when they do... might as well enjoy.It's snowing men. Hallelujah?Book 3: Hello Dr. ChristmasMy name is Clara, and I was born to dance in the Nutcracker.I eat, sleep, and breathe ballet, until a jealous understudy causes me to break my ankle. I can't stand en pointe. I can't dance. My Christmas is ruined.Until my sister hooks me up with one of the world's best orthopedic surgeons, and gives me hope.His name is Klaus, he's Swedish, and they call him Dr. Christmas.He's also single, newly-widowed, and hot-as-hell.I think, for the first time in my life, I could maybe grow to care about something other than ballet.Over-the-top romantic comedies with a guaranteed HEA! Lots of laughter, warm and fuzzy feelings. ♥

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