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The way Inspector Hanzō Shimura had it figured, it was just another case. Sure, it was sick, twisted, but those were human traits he’d grown accustomed to. A hardened veteran of two wars, there was little left on Earth that could faze a man like him. But what didn’t sit well with him was that this case’s blood-trail led him home. All the way to Nagasaki, where he’d lost his wife and daughter to the atom bomb, nine years before.Back Home he uncovered a trail that quickly turned into a river of violence . Hot on the heels a serial killer for the ages, with a mysterious American woman watching his every move from the shadows. Hanzō unraveled the case the only way a cop could in 1954, with cold graft, hard-won intuition and brute force. It wasn't long, however, before he learned that wouldn't be enough. He was chasing a very different kind murderer. Fast-paced and packed with conspiracy, intrigue and espionage. 'Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand' is a hard-boiled globetrotter that revels in its settings, historically and culturally. A noir thriller with gallons of blood spilled along the way, it is not for the faint of heart.