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Amorphous: Breaking the Mold is a science fiction novel of the near future that follows an eclectic group of characters as they are confronted with the threat of invading interstellar slime molds. The story takes place around the year 2065 and follows a handful of characters who meet in a sandwich shop, little knowing they may be called on to become humanity’s saviors.A approaching interstellar object crashes into a California coast golf course restaurant, where the main characters are attending a soft-open event. A journalist trying to get a scoop gets horrifically subsumed by the life form, which is on a feeding path across the golf course. The group enrolls a quirky AI to help them communicate with the organism — which appears to be unkillable as it spreads all over the Earth — to release the journalist without killing him. Meanwhile, he is undergoing numerous ego-blowing and hallucinogenic experiences.

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