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A humorous yet practical book of life lessons from the seminal Little House on the Prairie, blending Laura Ingalls Wilder’s timeless teachings with her surprisingly timely penchant for homesteading, crafting, and the lifestyle we now call Cottagecore.  The Little House on the Prairie was a childhood TV classic for a generation of kids, and Laura Ingalls Wilder’s novels have never gone out of style for young bookworms. Her stories of her family’s life in the 1870s offer countless gems of wisdom, and many facets of their lifestyle and the skills they relied on have become some of the hottest trends of today, from sourdough bread and modern pioneering to DIY prairie dresses and needlepoint.  Little House Life Hacks playfully compiles the most crucial takeaways from that world, practical enough to work for pioneering stock and updated for today’s evolving world. The Ingalls are the perfect reminders of what’s important: love, family, community, honest work, and integrity. Alongside the life advice are selected inspirational quotes from the Little House books and show and fun pop culture tidbits (like that The Rock’s first celebrity crush was original mean girl Nellie Oleson), as well as with meaningful takeaways for creating more balance, wellness, and fun in all aspects of your life.

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