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Her Rake Fiancé (Dukes and Secre... - Mariah Stone

Her Rake Fiancé (Dukes and Secrets Book 2)

Mariah Stone
Stone Publishing B.V. , English
1,534 ratings

Powerful lord. Infamous rake. Forced into a fake engagement with a wallflower…that leads to true love.Lord Richard Seaton will do anything to find his missing brother—even confront criminal lord Thorne Blackmore. Thorne’s price for information? Something Richard’s wounded heart vowed never to pay: marriage. And not to one of the stunning debutantes chasing him but to Thorne’s bluestocking sister, Jane.Shunned by the ton thanks to her scandalous brother, Miss Jane Grant runs a school that saves Whitechapel children from the gallows. Unwilling to abandon her students for marriage, a fake engagement is her only escape.Jane offers to dig up the information Richard needs before the wedding. But they must keep their deal a secret or endanger Richard’s family and face Thorne’s wrath.Braving society to convince the ton of their love, Richard protects Jane from judging matrons. And from elegant soirees to glamorous balls, Jane casts aside her gray dresses for vibrant silks and transforms into the lady she was born to be.Soon, the reforming rake is falling under his blossoming wallflower’s spell…and into her bed. But when Thorne learns of their deception, will Richard live to marry the fake fiancé who has become his true love?All volumes of the DUKES AND SECRETS series:0 - When the Duke bought a Wife (Prequel)1 - All Duke and Bothered2 - Her Rake Fiancé3 - Project Duke4 - Betting against the Scoundrel4.5 - The Duke Do-Over (Christmas short story)All volumes of the spin-off series SEVEN DUKES OF SIN:1 - Duke of Rath2 - Duke of Luhst3 - Duke of Prydemore books to follow...Each book is a standalone and can be read in any order. A happy ending is guaranteed.

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