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Do Your Best: How to be a Scout - Bear Grylls

Do Your Best: How to be a Scout

Bear Grylls
Hodder & Stoughton , English
179 ratings

What more could you ask for, than a book stuffed like an overfilled rucksack with tips and tricks from one of the world's most celebrated adventurers from pitching a tent, leading a team, how to keep fit, tie knots, memorise facts, identify trees, stars and birds, as well as learning real survival skills like putting up a tent in the wild and stashing your breakfast in ground to keep it hot for the next morning?This is the book for anyone who is a Scout, was a Scout, or wants to be a Scout.Do Your Best is the handbook for every Scout, young and old. It's a warm-hearted book in which you'll learn all the skills the scouts use to do their best in everything they do and set themselves up to face life head-on and make a real difference in the world.Not since Scouting for Boys, the seminal 1908 book by Robert Baden-Powell that sparked the global movement, has there been a single handbook for every Scout. Whoever you are it will help you step up, speak up, skill up and dream big.Grab life with both hands, never give up and give life you your best shot with Do Your Best: How To Be a Scout. Stunningly typograhically designed and richly illustrated, this will be the perfect Christmas gift for the adventurer in your life -- young or old.Chapters include: 'How to Survive'; 'How to give first aid'; 'How to protect our planet'; 'How to be organised'; 'How to be an adventurer'; 'How to be a camp cook'; 'How to live freely'; 'How to predict the weather'; 'How to be a team player'. And that's just for starters!

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