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Mind's Horizon - Eric Malikyte

Mind's Horizon

Eric Malikyte
Crossroad Press , English
78 ratings

Humanity’s time is done.The Earth is freezing over and human civilization is gone.For Ira Hartman and the dysfunctional band of survivors that surround her, all that's left of the old world are ghosts trapped beneath the still-forming ice sheets.When Ira and the survivors discover a secret military research facility housed deep within the San Bernardino Mountains, at first, it seems like the perfect shelter. Plenty of rations. Water. Warmth.Then they discover the remnants of horrifying experiments. Corpses, strapped to operating tables, horror etched on decomposing faces, experiment rooms filed with strange machines and occult symbols, and the logs of a raving lunatic. The unmistakable feeling that something is watching them, waiting in the cold, tubular concrete tunnels, in the shadows.What Ira and the others don’t know might just kill them.

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