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A magical ritual gone wrong. Aristocrat Clarissa Wyvern disappeared, presumed dead. A cover-up by the Gestapo to protect Professor Lustgarten, Adolf Hitler’s one-time mentor and closest friend...When Clarissa’s father, spy-master Sir Harry Wyvern, tasks SAS officer, Captain James Valentine, with kidnapping Professor Lustgarten, Valentine embarks on a dangerous mission to the Mediterranean island of Panos.Sir Harry has laid a trap. Once Lustgarten learns that buried on the island is an ancient codex containing instructions on how a man might become a god, he will not be able to resist the bait.However, Hitler’s patience with the professor is at an end. In the years since Clarissa’s death, Lustgarten’s mental state has deteriorated. He believes that Clarissa is tormenting him from beyond the grave.Hitler is decided. No one must know that the occultist was once his mentor. The Fuehrer orders his old regimental comrade, Sepp Kahn, to pursue Lustgarten to Panos and silence him once and for all...A page-turning thriller of epic proportions. Get your copy right now!Gomery Kimber was chosen by best-selling author Mark Dawson as the recipient of this year’s SPF Foundation Thriller Scholarship. Gomery Kimber: popular fiction, serious ideas.Please note: This novel was originally published under the title No Air Native, No Man Kindred.