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Conflicted: A Fox Walker Novel - Indy Quillen

Conflicted: A Fox Walker Novel

Indy Quillen
Treeline Press , English
131 ratings

Book Five of the Award Winning Fox Walker NovelsA devastating natural disaster upends the world Walker knows and loves.A rescue mission gone-wrong in unfamiliar terrain, tests the limits of his expert skills. And challenge after challenge, Walker is determined to keep everyone safe … but he’s got to survive the mission first. When natural disaster forces Walker and Nataya to re-evaluate their future, an opportunity to visit friends in Washington State offers a respite from the daily reminders of their tragic loss. But shortly after arriving they’re asked to help find a family missing in the local wilderness. Despite their limited experience in that specific environment, the two survival experts don’t hesitate to join the search.However, what should’ve been an easy rescue meets with an unexpected complication, and a bad scenario soon turns to worse when an early snowstorm strands Walker and his charges—a father and eight-year-old son—in the mountains without proper gear or provisions.Constantly challenged by the unfamiliar terrain, Walker is forced to repeatedly find alternative ways to deal with an environment far different from where his skills were honed. And after he becomes impaired by serious injuries that cause him to mistrust his own judgment, what was once a worse scenario quickly becomes a worst-case scenario for all three of them.It's nature versus man, and man versus his own nature, as Walker fights for his charges’ survival… as well as his own.