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Get started on your woodwork practice with this ultimate guide to essential carpentry skills, techniques, tools, tips, and tricks.Complete and easy directions for key skills, from simple joinery techniques to more involved woodworking projects, with clear helpful photographs. Key carpentry skills, from simple joinery techniques to fine woodworking projects, through clear, step-by-step instructions and photographs.New carpenters will learn about the essential tools needed and the principles of basic design and practice crucial techniques like wood joints, finishing, woodturning, and furniture restoration.Experienced crafters will enjoy enhancing their skills and learning something new. We'll make sure you choose the right wood for the job and find more than 100 hard and softwoods, plus their properties, in our handy directory.Put your skills into practice with 28 DIY woodworking projects. This carpentry book will show you how to create home accessories, furnishings, outdoor projects, workshop projects, and more. This reference book provides all the information you need to become a master carpenter and have a houseful of fine furnishings to show for the effort! Everything You Need to Know About WoodworkingWoodworking is a complete illustrated carpentry course with comprehensive and extensive photos to show you how to become a craftsman. You'll have all the information you need to start your projects right away with simple step-by-step instructions. It also makes a fantastic gift for hobby carpenters.Inside, you'll discover:- Tools: Understand how to use hand, power, and machine tools, and choose the right wood for every job.- Techniques: Follow clear, step-by-step instructions to master all key woodworking techniques.- Projects: Put your skills into practice to create well-crafted and practical objects, from a wine rack to a chest of drawers.

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