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The fully updated edition of DK's bestselling Knowledge EncyclopediaChange the way you see the world with a groundbreaking visual approach to the wonders of our planet.This fully updated third edition of Knowledge Encyclopedia will continue to fascinate young readers with its microscopic detail and amazing facts on a huge range of topics. You'll find yourself totally absorbed in complex subjects, made clear through engaging explanations, intricate illustrations, stunning photographs, and awe-inspiring 3D images. Explore the universe, from the inside of an atom to black holes, then discover the explosive science behind a fireworks display. Look at what makes the human brain so special and find out how the body's cells make energy. Journey through history from the earliest life forms right up to our world today. From Viking raiders and Samurai warriors to robotics and chemical reactions, amazing animals, the human body, the marvels of history, and more are visualized in incredible detail, inside and out, providing a mind-blowing introduction to every aspect of human knowledge.

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