In the small seaside town of Mendocino Cove, secrets buried deep within a charming beach cottage awaken a timeless story of forbidden love and sisterhood.Unfairly ousted from her beloved career as an art historian and her comfortable city life, Christy decides to start over in the small cottage she once bought on a whim. While renovating it, she finds a second chance at love—and a cache of unsent letters. With the help of her friends, Christy unravels a tale of love torn apart and hidden ties. Soon, uncovering the secrets of the past changes the present forever...Captivating and heartfelt, this tale will transport you to a world where love echoes through generations, where the sea holds secrets, and where past and present collide in a story of new beginnings and the timeless bonds of friends and sisters.Discover the secrets of beautiful Mendocino Cove today—start reading now!