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Eat homegrown food all year round and save money on your weekly shop by following a simple plan for self-sufficiency.Huw Richards and Sam Cooper have spent the past two years planning and trialing their self-sufficiency garden in a 10x13m plot, and now they've worked out the perfect formula. Grow six portions of nutritious veg a day per person following their month-by-month growing plan, which is realistic and flexible with cost, space, and time in mind. Follow this carefully curated year-round growing plan to yield six portions of veg per person per day, plus batching and preserving recipes! Whether you are looking for cost-effective ways to put food on the table and feed your family, a fan of Huw’s YouTube videos and would like to try out the recipes for yourself or a gardener who would like some guidance on how to grow your own food, this book will be great for you.With this gardening book, you will be able to:-Learn about Huw's self-sufficiency ethos, goals, and approaches to growing food-Create your garden and learn how to build all the growing spaces you will need, such as hotbeds and polytunnels-Follow month-by-month planting plans with guidance on key tasks throughout the year and different seasons-Perfect your growing skills with sowing, weeding, watering, and composting.-Discover useful kitchen tips for meal prep, storage, and preserving ideas along with base recipes so you can make the most of your crops. -Find recipes for delicious dishes including soup, curry, tray bakes and salads + dressingsFollow Huw Richards and SamCooper’s tried-and-tested methods and save money while enjoying homegrown food all year. If you are interested in learning more or want more books by Huw Richards, check out these titles: Veg in One Bed, Grow Food For Free, and The Vegetable Grower's Handbook.

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