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A healing remedy or a deadly poison? Owen Archer confronts a lethal mix of dangerous attraction and troubling secrets when two knights die unexpectedly.York, 1363. Master apothecary Nicholas Wilton provides a healing potion for a wounded soldier at St. Mary's Abbey.A KILLER CURE?When Brother Wulfstan administers the special physick to the pilgrim and a fellow knight, tragedy strikes. Is the poisonous potion an accident, or a deliberate act of murder? Owen is sent to investigate by the Archbishop of York, disguised as an apothecary apprentice assisting Wilton's wife, Lucie.THE SINS OF A KNIGHTHe soon learns that the first victim, Sir Geoffrey Montaigne, travelled to York to atone a past sin, and had crossed paths with Nicholas before. What was the knight's past misdeed, and what is his connection to the apothecary?IS FORBIDDEN LOVE A DEADLY DRUG?Owen uncovers troubling links between the knight and others close to Nicholas - including Lucie, who has captured his heart. But is he falling in love with a killer?THE OWEN ARCHER MYSTERIES1. The Apothecary Rose2. The Lady Chapel3. The Nun's Tale4. The King's Bishop5. The Riddle of St. Leonard's6. The Gift of Sanctuary7. A Spy for the Redeemer8. The Cross-Legged Knight9. The Guilt of Innocents10. A Vigil of Spies11. A Conspiracy of Wolves12. A Choir of Crows13. The Riverwoman's Dragon14. A Fox in the Fold