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Two Siblings. One Empire. A Rebellion in the Making. Captured by the empire that destroyed his home, 15-year-old Ragnar Wolfsbane is plunged into a world of perilous politics and ancient magic. Under the tutelage of Prince Gregor and the enigmatic wyvern Witz, Ragnar begins to uncover the secrets of ravenglass and a destiny far greater than he imagined. Meanwhile, his sister Maja, possessing a rare and dangerous power, defies her captors and sows the seeds of rebellion within the heart of the empire. As Ragnar and Maja navigate their own paths of growth and resistance, they face daunting choices that will define not only their futures but the fate of the empire. Will they rise above their circumstances, or be consumed by the very forces they seek to challenge? The Fall of Wolfsbane is an enthralling coming-of-age epic perfect for fans seeking adventure, magic, and the resilience of the human spirit. Immerse yourself in Ravenglass Legends, because this is a series you won't want to put down. Get your copy today!

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