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A follow up to the original groundbreaking collection, Again, Dangerous Visions features forty-six short stories from giants of the science fiction genre.Grand Master of the Science Fiction Writers of America and winner of countless awards—including the Hugo, Nebula, Edgar Allan Poe, and Bram Stoker—Harlan Ellison proved once more that he was both unpredictable and irrepressible in this second collection of innovative science fiction. Again, Dangerous Visions—the middle installment in a planned three anthology series—includes award-winning stories from incomparable writers such as Ursula K. Le Guin, Gene Wolfe, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Piers Anthony, Dean Koontz, and James Tiptree, among many others.Unprecedented and electrifying, Again, Dangerous Visions cemented Harlan Ellison’s legacy as the ultimate sci-fi anthologist.

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