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Embark on an immersive journey through the poetic and prose tapestry of Walt Whitman's literary legacy with "The Complete Walt Whitman." This expansive anthology compiles Whitman's most iconic works, including "Drum-Taps," "Leaves of Grass," Patriotic Poems, and his Complete Prose Works. The collection also features "The Wound Dresser," a poignant exploration of Whitman's experiences as a Civil War nurse, as well as a selection of his Letters. Whitman's verses, known for their exuberance and celebration of the human spirit, resonate with timeless themes of democracy, freedom, and the interconnectedness of all beings. The inclusion of his prose works provides readers with a comprehensive view of Whitman's literary prowess and his deep engagement with the social and political currents of his time. "The Complete Walt Whitman" invites readers to immerse themselves in the poetic landscapes and prose reflections of one of America's literary giants, offering a profound exploration of Whitman's contribution to the American literary canon.

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