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Are you fed up with feeling ripped off by Tourist restaurants? Do you want to Discover the local's Florence?An Insider's Guide to Florence, the captivating first book in the Insider Travel Series, is perfect for culture enthusiasts who love to stray from the tourist path. Get hooked by Marco's anecdotes and insider tips as he reveals hidden gems tucked away in the narrow streets. Written as though Marco and you were having a conversation over an Aperol Spritz, this book will help you experience Florence like a local and sidestep the tourist traps.Here are some of the amazing benefits you'll discover: ⭐️ Unlock the secrets of each neighborhoods.⭐️ Explore top museums, churches, parks, and markets.⭐️ Sip in style at local cafes, bars, and scenic rooftops.⭐️ Savor authentic Tuscan cuisine from trattorias to gelaterias.⭐️ Find fabulous accommodations for every budget.⭐️ Experience unique activities not found in most guidebooks.Don't miss your chance to experience Florence like a local. Scroll up, click the buy button, and get your copy of this pocket-sized guide now before the price changes!

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