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Run: A Novel - Blake Crouch

Run: A Novel

Blake Crouch
Ballantine Books , English
6,552 ratings

A gripping apocalyptic thriller about a man and his family running for their lives in an America gone mad—from the New York Times bestselling author of Dark Matter and RecursionNo time to think. No time to ask why. Only time to run. Five days ago, the epidemic of rage began.Four days ago, the rash of senseless murders swept the nation.Three days ago, the president addressed the country and begged for peace—even as the murders increased tenfold.Two days ago, the killers began to mobilize.One day ago, the power went out.And tonight, the killers are reading the names of those to be killed over the Emergency Broadcast System.Jack Colclough is listening over the battery-powered radio on his kitchen table in Albuquerque, and he just heard his name. People are coming to his house to kill him, his wife, his daughter, and his son.He has no idea what’s happening, or why, but the time for questions is long past. His only chance is to run.Following an ordinary family on a desperate race through an America that’s destroying itself, Run is a terrifying, brutally stripped-down thriller from master storyteller Blake Crouch.

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