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AN AMAZON TOP 60 BESTSELLING THRILLER NOVEL #1 BESTSELLING NOVEL IN MULTIPLE CATEGORIESREADERS CALL IT:"THE MOST ORIGINAL, TERRIFYING PAGE TURNER I'VE READ.""THIS NOVEL PULLED ME OUT OF A MASSIVE READING SLUMP.""BE READY TO SLEEP WITH THE LIGHTS ON!" Every family has secrets—dark ones, twisted ones, ones they hide. The Ivory family is no different. From the outside of their gated estate, one would see a beautiful, wealthy family. But the more perfect they seem, it only shows how many imperfections they are trying to bury. When Demi Rao, a young woman is at her wits’ end and on the run from escaping her captor, she comes across an employment ad from the Ivory family, looking for someone to help maintain their elaborate estate. Although the ad is strange with meticulous directions to wear all-white, no makeup and speak quietly, Demi applies. With no choices, Demi gets and accepts the job and when she does, she quickly realizes she’s not there to clean, she’s there for a purpose. They picked her. They chose her. They’ve always known her. Behind the doors of the pristine estate lies secrets, a lethal human experiment and Demi’s entire life planned out for her.The Ivory’s have picked a favorite girl.And it might just be her.This novel is a dark thriller that has content that may be intense for some. Please check the author's website for warnings and/or message her at @monicaaryaauthor (social media) or if you have questions or concerns.Praise for THE FAVORITE GIRL "This book is the love child of Gillian Flynn and Karin Slaughter. Pretty Girls and Sharp Objects." - Kori, Thrillbythepage