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A LitRPG Progression Epic Book 8 of Guardian of Aster Fall!The Lord of Silver Stars is rising and his allies are rising with him!Sam's strength as an Astral Titan is greater than anything seen on Aster Fall since the First War shattered the world. He commands three armies and the fortress of Silverguard stands firm in the Void, but enemies surround him on every side.The Avatar of Blood stands inside the World Seal, an enemy whose strength is equal to the Titans of old. He holds Asenya in his grasp, the caretaker of Aster Fall.To overcome him, Sam will have to finish his rise to power as an Astral Titan and take up the mantle they once held.It's time to invade the World Seal and deal with the enemy inside, but other remnants of the First War return to wreak havoc.