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When a spiritual gypsy marries a Christian former bad boy, all hell breaks loose...teZa Lord's true-life account forces her to dive deep into her spiritual understanding as she marries a man surrounded by a unique cast of characters. She inherits two fragile kids dealing with their bio-mom Debby's dysfunction and hostility. Will works a straight job to survive, while teZa trades her daredevil past for the local PTA. Can this former Caribbean Island-hopping gypsy survive in suburbia?Affectionally calling herself “Angel Mom”, teZa embraces the kids with kindness and love. But the bubble is burst early on by an angry and hostile Debby who stalks the blended family with menacing threats lurking like a gator in the back pond. Next door, the grandparents face their own trials, including elder abuse, and a bizarre marriage trap (who gets divorced at 95?).As Will copes with each challenge teZa becomes the "Queen of Detachment." This reformed She-pirate faces each peril with spiritual intuition and a years-sober perspective of one who has already been to hell … and back.Laugh, cry, and be amazed at how this family navigates heart-stopping conflicts with spirit and gusto. Raves of “splendid approach” and “unique insight” cheer on this bizarre trip with endearing characters truthfully sharing their "Zen Love."Enjoy Your copy today!