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I broke my promise to her once. I won’t make that mistake again. Cross my heart…Fiona was my first love. She was everything to me. And I broke her heart.But that was a long time ago. Now, my military career is over. I’m back in our small town, running my family’s inn, hoping for a second chance with the one that got away.Too bad Fiona no longer believes in second chances. Or love.Getting snowed in together only made everything more complicated. Because our chemistry?Hotter than ever.I’m falling deeper in love with her by the day, and I have no idea where she stands.I have one last shot to win back the love of my life, to prove to her that I’m in this for the happily ever after.All I have to do is not screw it all up. Again…Cross My Heart, book 1 in the Calloway series, is a sexy, sweet and spicy, contemporary romance novel that can be read as a standalone. Download today and welcome to The Calloways.

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