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We all say we trust ourselves, but somehow find ourselves seeking acceptance, trying to fit in and needing the confirmation from others to make decisions we know we can make on our own, but feel too unsure because of the what if’s, the emotional discomforts and how we’ll be perceived.The Pillars of TRUST is a comprehensive guide empowering you in your self-trust journey. This workbook delves into the root of self-trust through an experiential, curiosity-driven, and full-body experience, based on your personal life.It guides you through an intimate journey, your journey, with prompts, exercises, and practices tailored to become your personal guide through the mental health lens of its writer Nancy Andino a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. It demands embracing transparency, mindfulness, vulnerability, and authenticity to transform and strengthen your self-trust. Readers with the beliefs of “ I trust no one” and at times the added, “I trust no one, including me” or the “ I can’t trust anyone”, can challenge and give themselves the opportunity to transform and strengthen their self-trust, by practicing and implementing the TRUST tools, as they learn to cope with the anxiety, depression, sadness and all the other challenges that will be experienced.The workbook provides tools, details on how to utilize each tool and where YOU! the reader determines the steps you will take to apply them as you write, draw, feel and experiment in your real-life events.This workbook will teach you the following:- What has affected your self-trust.- How to grant yourself permission and forgiveness to achieve your self-trust goals in real-life situations.- How to use vulnerability and self-compassion to prioritize yourself.- A thorough understanding that you are the one who establishes the standards that suit your true self.This workbook is partnered with a series of mini courses offering further guidance, challenges and experiments to further support your process.Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button and visit for The Pillars of TRUST video course companion.

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