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Did you know that reading a story engages the mind twice as much as watching the the TV?Stories are known to improve mental cognition, improve memory, and keep the mind stimulated.Perhaps you (or your parents) are looking for some inspiring stories from the last century?Our book is exactly that! A handful of 22 short-stories (each around 1000 words long) that will bring joy, entertainment & knowledge to those who have lived through the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's and all the way to the present day. Our large-print & easy-to-read book is:Large Print Font & Formating (Size 16) - Perfect for older readers!Uplifting & relatable stories from the 1950's to 1990's...Each of the 22 varied stories are around 1000 words long - pick it up & put it down anytime...Stories about sports, nature, animals, miracles, kindness, history, and so much more!No matter whether this book is for you, or your parents - it is sure to bring joy & entertainment - all while stimulating the mind and bringing back great memories from decades prior!If you want the older person in your life to engage with some incredible stories...Then scroll up & click "Buy now with 1-click".

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