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Nazi spies, genetic engineering, and the Fourth ReichNear the end of World War II, a German U-boat deposited two Nazi saboteurs on the coast of Maine. History tells us they were quickly captured. But what if there was a third man? An ultrasecret agent with a long-term mission known only to a select few in the Nazi high command. Men who anticipated the ways that genetic engineering could someday be used to help launch a Fourth Reich.Set against the backdrop of post-World War II America, a clandestine mission unfolds. The third man learns the emerging science of DNA research and partners with a deep-cover Nazi geneticist, the Ku Klux Klan, and neo-Nazi collaborators to engineer sinister modifications of the human genome. Until years later, an accidental discovery at the U-boat's landing site draws Professor Brad Parker and Lieutenant Karen Richmond into a struggle to stop the creation of a new class of neo-Nazi warriors.

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