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e-llegal commerce awarded Readers Favorite 5-Star Review! From the review: "Alba's masterful storytelling ... makes for an engaging and immersive read...this book is sure to captivate and entertain until the very last page."Computer whiz Mat Briscoe is looking for a new start to escape a disappointing love afair and a stagnant career. A big city seems the perfect answer, a chance to start fresh and forget in the high-tech business world of the 1990s..Hired to replace someone who was killed in the office she now occupies, Mat has questions but they are met with silence, evasive answers and hostility. She shares her curiosity with Zorah, her housemate and a struggling artist who paints at night and is fascinated with the supernatural.Greg, the owner of the Victorian house she shares with Zorah and Mat's love interest, wonders about her sanity. When Zorah is kidnapped and another body turns up, Mat realizes someone has heard her and is willing to do anything to stop her.As she pieces together the clues, she uncovers a network of drug dealers, questionable business practices, and surprising links to her own past. But who is behind it? The brilliant technical expert with a personality problem? Her old flame Curt? Zorah's close friend? And what are they trying to hide?Unexpectedly, Curt, a mercenary and adventurer, turns up and tries to rekindle their romance. Before she can finish a plan to flush the villains, a vice president at Kinross accuses her of dealing drugs at work and she is fired on the spot. Mat realizes that she’ll need the help of both new and old friends to find the truth about Kinross Associates.In an exciting and unexpected conclusion, she discovers that personalities from her past and present intertwine in a world of intrigue, murder, and exploitation.If you enjoyed this book , please consider leaving a review! Thank you!Sign up for the author’s mailing list at and get a free copy of the short story Johnny and Jake.In Johnny and Jake, a chance encounter ramps up a long-standing feud between two brothers.In Johnny’s mind, his life seems to careen down a one-way street of lost opportunities, ones that favor his brother Jake.How long can one endure a life spent watching your brother have it all?When feelings run this deep, tragedy is waiting in the wings.C. V. Alba’s work has been published in the Blue Ridge Writers Journal and the Journal of the Virginia Writers Project