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Unleash the power of words!THE COMPLETE VOCABULARY BUILDER WORKBOOK does more than add words to your vocabulary. Featuring over 3,700 must-know words, 147 categorized lessons, 30,000 synonyms, and 428 complementary activities - this book is a complete resource; a thesaurus, dictionary, and activity workbook all rolled into one!OVER 3,700 ESSENTIAL WORDS: Discover an unrivaled collection of must-know words, each presented with a precise definition, a well-crafted example sentence, and a collection of hand-picked synonyms. Grasp the essence of every word, strategically organized to promote memory retention and deeper understanding.147 LESSONS WITH PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES: Each lesson focuses on a unique category, complemented by a comprehensive activity page comprised of practical quizzes to test your understanding and reinforce your learning. IDEAL PREP FOR TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, SAT, ACT, and GRE: Our tailored keywords are designed to prepare the reader for the vocabulary sections of common English language standardized tests. Each word has been chosen for its frequent appearance in standardized tests.SUITABLE FOR STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS OF ALL AGES: Whether you're a student, professional, public speaker, author, or anyone passionate about language, this book offers the perfect platform to elevate your vocabulary. Empower yourself with an enriched vocabulary, and gain the confidence to articulate your thoughts with clarity and precision, opening doors to endless opportunities in your personal and professional life. SUPPORTING WEBSITE: Enhance your learning journey with our dedicated website: Explore etymology, further meaning, additional synonyms, interactive flashcards, word games & quizzes, spelling bees, and more.

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