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Goldfield Forest - Karen Black

Goldfield Forest

Karen Black
unknown , English
4 ratings

In 1783, during an archaeological expedition in the Amazon jungle, August Alexander becomes lost. After wandering for days, he has little hope of survival before a mystical clan saves his life. August doesn’t realize his ancestors were guardians of the fae, or that his encounter with the lion people sets off a series of events that spans two centuries.Like August, Maria Goldfield is an archaeologist. She is also a 21st-century guardian of the fae. When Lena, a supernatural lioness, needs help to prevent the destruction of the rainforest and the demise of its magical inhabitants, she turns to Maria. Risking her life and the future of the little people she protects in Goldfield Forest, Maria agrees to accompany the lioness to the Amazon jungle. There, they confront Bagrim, a warlock, and fight to protect the plants that provide the only cures for illnesses that could cause the death of otherwise immortal fae worldwide.

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