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The author is a real estate broker -investor by profession and a traveler-artist-writer by passion. In her her first book, "See Turkey For Less" and this one, she aims to make international travel affordable to all to continue global interface. She believes that: Connections among diverse people. Discovering and learning from travel experiences;that come only from international traveling will increase the chances for world peace. This book, like the first book shows that less-trodden destinations with friendly currency exchange rate like New Zealand; and going during the country's off-season period will provide anyone with an enjoyable time without breaking the bank. Travelers will not only find New Zealand affordable but will also learn; New Zealanders balance progress with heightened conservation practices because of their public belief, "Conservation is protection of habitat for land, animals and plants and since mankind shares the habitat, then mankind must protect the habitat." New Zealand offers fresh air, birds tweeting on trees and walking their sidewalks over cars honking, crowds fussing and air polluting in usual popular destinations; New Zealand is a true melting pot so you can meet all the friendly people from all parts of the world in comfort because nearly everyone is an immigrant; New Zealand offers so many freebies - parks, botanical gardens, art galleries, museums, campgrounds, their open hills, mountains and seas.So don't only stop at Auckland. Visit all the cities and towns of both the Northern Island and Southern Island of New Zealand.

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