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Reject the default path, define your priorities, and achieve lasting happiness with this transformative guide to your dream life—a life centered around the five types of wealth.“A powerful call to action to think deeply about what lights you up—and a guide for how to build a life of meaning and purpose.”—Tim Cook, CEO of AppleThroughout your life, you’ve been slowly indoctrinated to believe that money is the only type of wealth. In reality, your wealthy life may involve money, but in the end, it will be defined by everything else.After three years of research, personal experimentation, and thousands of interviews across the globe, Sahil Bloom has created a groundbreaking blueprint to build your life around five types of wealth: Time Wealth, Social Wealth, Mental Wealth, Physical Wealth, and Financial Wealth. A life of true fulfillment engages all five types—working dynamically, in concert across the seasons of your journey.Through powerful storytelling, science-backed practices, and actionable insights, in The 5 Types of Wealth, you’ll learn:• How to prioritize energy-creating tasks to unlock more time in your day• How to create deeper bonds and build a powerful network• How to engage your purpose to spark continuous growth• How to maximize health and vitality through three simple principles• How to achieve financial independence and define your version of “enough”No matter where you are on your path—a recent graduate, new parent, midlife warrior, retiree, or anything in between—The 5 Types of Wealth will help you act on your priorities to create an instant positive impact in your daily life, make better decisions, and design the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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