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Spoiler: There’s no secret code for writing a bestselling novel.But there are fundamental principles of story structure that will make your novel work.Once you understand these fundamentals, writing a novel transforms from a chaotic, enigmatic roller coaster into a succinct and sensible process.Whether you’re a new writer or you’ve written several manuscripts, if you’re not yet achieving what you’d like to achieve with your writing—The Novel Matrix is for you. Hundreds of authors just like you have used this remarkable system to begin and improve their novel writing.What is a matrix? A matrix is either the natural substance in which something forms, or it can be an interrelated system of information. The Novel Matrix is both.The Novel Matrix explores the natural principles of storytelling that humans instinctively understand and expect in great stories. This is the foundation from which great artwork is born.The Novel Matrix also relates plot, characters, conflict, and setting together in a way that no other craft book has done. Written in simple, nonacademic language, this is the honest, elegant solution for long-form storytelling you’ve been waiting for.Armed with this information, you’ll never begin another novel manuscript only to abandon it partway through the writing.Never again will you completely overhaul a novel manuscript because it just doesn’t work, but you have no idea why.The solution is The Novel Matrix.As one writing student put it, “The Novel Matrix makes novel-writing scandalously simple.” Don’t start another project without it.

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