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French Twist is a remarkable memoir of resilience, faith and deep bonds that endure through time. It offers a revelatory glimpse of a life in all its complexity, challenge and triumph.Janine Winters grew up with a father with a criminal history, a stalwart and inspiring mother, an intelligent and generous brother, and a strong and precocious sister.In the face of conflicts with her father, she moves with her mother, brother and sister from an independence-seeking Morocco to an equally turbulent Algeria. There Janine has to discover herself and begin forgoing a life that is her own. She finds love and experiences the birth of a new child. This takes her and her family further away from home, as they learn to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected difficulties.At every turn, however, Janine’s resilience prevails. Her enterprising spirit, manifest in the great diversity of jobs she successfully holds, navigates her through impasses to a life that fulfills her.Let her search for this life of meaning and lasting love be an inspiration for readers embarking on a quest to live their own lives fully.