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I’ll do anything to protect her. Even if it destroys me…No one is as close to my heart as Sutton. We’ve been best friends forever, and I love her. I’m also in love with her.Not that she knows it. I can’t risk losing her over something as unpredictable as romance.So, when her grandmother issued the ultimatum to marry or lose everything, I didn’t intend to get involved.But I did.I suggested she marry me. We’re complete opposites. She’s an heiress, and I grew up on a Christmas tree farm. She can have anyone she wants…and I only want her. The odds of this marriage ending in happily ever after are slim. I know that.What I don’t know is how I’m going to make it out of this thing with my heart intact. I guess that’ll ultimately be up to Sutton, though.Especially since my heart has been hers from the beginning.Close to My Heart, book 3 in the Calloway series, is a sexy, sweet and spicy, friends to lovers contemporary romance novel that can be read as a standalone. Download today, and get ready to fall for Wes and Sutton.

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