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England, 1887After a near-death experience in the Theatre Royal fire, Angeline wants to find love and have a family. But her mother has other plans. Marriage is overrated. Power is the only thing that matters.Angeline is supposed to follow in her mother’s steps: become the mistress of many rich lords, collect compromising material on them, blackmail them, and make a lot of money. That’s the recipe for a happy life.Not for Angeline.A former cat burglar, turned footman, turned baron, Royston comes from the gutter, but the queen bestows him a title after he saved her grandson from the inferno of the Theatre Royal. London’s peers adore him; he’s a fascinating combination of wildness and courage, and well, the queen likes him. But no one wants to help him get a seat in the House of Lords. After all, he isn’t really one of the peers. If he wants to change society though, he has to be in Parliament. If only a peer supported him.The Earl of Havisham proposes a deal. If Royston uses his thief skills to retrieve some compromising documents Angeline’s mother has on the earl, Lord Havisham will be Royston’s champion.Royston accepts the deal. The only problem is his growing feelings for the beautiful and spirited Angeline.

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