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The resolution of Weston's story in the Wall Street Journal Bestselling Deliciously Dark Fairytales world.He wasn't supposed to fall in love. Weston has made a mess of things. Since he realized the woman he was supposed to find and bring to justice was his true mate, things have spiraled out of control. He's gone from one bad decision to the next, and now the situation threatens to topple down around him.The good news is, Aurelia isn't responsible for hurting people. She isn't the one who should stand in front of the dragons and plead for her life.If only the dragons and their kingdom agreed.Weston must try to relay the truth and protect his true mate, all while she struggles to work through her past, his deceit, and her new life in opposition to the one woman she'd thought of as her mother.Aurelia must go to war, and Weston will do everything he can to ensure she comes out alive._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _This is the conclusion to the duet and ends in an HEA. All loose ends are tied up.

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