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While traveling the world with her military family, Dr. Meaghan Rice, originally a therapist, has built a virtual private practice that specializes in the development of healthy relationships, Better Lives Building Tribes. She sees her own clients, she supervises other clinicians, and she spends a great deal of her time blogging and speaking out about mental health awareness as it applies to our interpersonal dynamics. In her book, “Relationships Don’t Have to Suck,” she talks about the characteristics that have led to the most amazing relationships she has seen throughout her career.After spending 15 years as a therapist, Dr. Rice understood that most of her clients wanted help with their relationships. She discovered that there were so many challenges that people were facing when their lives would intersect with another in an intimate way. Communication, conflict resolution, and emotional availability just to name a few. She also understood, from her personal experience, that having a dysfunctional intimate partnership increased anxiety, depression, and absolutely annihilated her self-worth. So, she made it her mission to find out, not only what kept relationships together, but also what gave them so many BEDAZZLED moments.Dr. Rice received her bachelors in psychology and political science from the University of Denver, her masters in clinical psychology, and later her doctorate in organizational leadership from the University of Arizona Global Campus. She has worked in a variety of different settings to include correctional facilities, community mental health, non-profit mental health, and private practice. When she’s not helping others with their relationships, you can find her on adventures with her husband, Irish twins, and their doggo.

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